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You don't have to start from scratch!

build powerful SaaS applications quickly, powered by React,
NextJS, Firebase and Tailwind CSS

Easy to setup.


Authentication using Firebase

Don't worry about setting up Authentication logic, focus on styling your login and sign up pages just the way you like it.

Basic Multi-tenant Structure

Start with a fully customizable Multi-tenancy Structure. Have Multiple tenants and users,while you oversee operations from your admin console.

Role Restrictive Access

Restrict access to users based on three default roles; Superuser, Admin and User. Customize to suite your needs

Comprehensive Documentation and Support

Get comprehensive breakdown of the design and logic of the template in in a well structured documentation designed to build fast.

Budget Friendly

Don't break the bank while testing your idea's viability.

Guaranteed Speed

Save time deploying your Minimum Viable Product.


Frequently asked questions

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